Keratoconus Treatment: 16 Years Later

CASE OVERVIEW A 25-year-old male was referred to the Bochner Eye Institute for keratoconus treatment in 2008. Computerized topography showed inferotemporal steepening in both eyes associated with corneal thinning and posterior elevation. These findings were consistent...

Nystagmus & Laser Vision Correction

CASE OVERVIEW A 23-year-old male with a history of horizontal nystagmus and contact lens intolerance was interested in vision correction surgery. Refractive error in the right eye was -3.50 -1.75 x 65, which allowed 20/30 acuity, and in the left eye, -4.75 -2.00 x...

Keratoconus & Follow-Up Examinations

CASE OVERVIEW A 28-year-old male was referred with unilateral keratoconus. He underwent corneal crosslinking (CXL) in his keratoconus eye and was then followed on an annual basis to determine success of the CXL and any changes to his “normal” eye. Two...