CASE OVERVIEW A 55-year-old male presented with an interest in vision correction surgery to improve both distance and near vision. He spends the majority of his working day on a computer or cell phone. His refractive error in the right eye was +3.25 -0.75 x 145 with...
CASE OVERVIEW A 63 year-old male presented with an interest in vision correction surgery. He wanted freedom from glasses for most activities. He had previously undergone LASIK 20 years ago. His refractive error in the right eye was -1.75 -1.00 x 60 20/40 and in the...
CASE OVERVIEW A 27-year-old male with high myopia and a history of soft contact lens use was referred for refractive surgery. He had difficulty tolerating his soft contact lenses and was seeking to improve his uncorrected vision.Best-corrected spectacle acuity was...
CASE OVERVIEW A 55-year-old male presented with an interest in vision correction surgery to improve both distance and near vision. He spends the majority of his working day on a computer or cell phone. His refractive error in the right eye was +3.25 -0.75 x 145 with...
CASE OVERVIEW A 76-year-old woman presented with gradually decreasing vision in both eyes. On examination, her best-corrected visual acuity was 20/100 in the right eye and 20/80 in the left. She was found to have 2-3+ nuclear sclerosis and 2+ nuclear cortical...
CASE OVERVIEW A 25-year-old male was referred to the Bochner Eye Institute for keratoconus treatment in 2008. Computerized topography showed inferotemporal steepening in both eyes associated with corneal thinning and posterior elevation. These findings were consistent...